Capt. Ambrosi: There Is No Shortcut to The Flight Deck. Rigorous Pilot Training Standards Keep Our Skies Safe

The airplane crashes of the past several weeks have shaken some people's confidence in air travel. At airports on flights across the country, many passengers may be wondering: Is flying still safe? The answer is yes - thanks to rigorous pilot training standards that serve as the foundation of aviation safety.

There is still much we don't know about what went wrong on American Eagle Flight 5342 in Washington, D.C., or Endeavor Air Flight 4819 in Toronto. As investigators from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and Canada's Transportation Safety Board do their critical work investigating these accidents, travelers should remember that aviation safety is not a fixed achievement but rather an ongoing commitment to upholding our highest standards.

Read more in ALPA President Capt. Jason Ambrosi's op-ed in U.S. News & World Report.